Unique Course in the UK to BARistaBARBAR
at the Baristabarbar Barista School & London Coffee Lab
A one and a half day comprehensive course covering all the aspects that go into planning and opening a cafe.The first part of the course is the completion of the Barista Boot Camp on location and in person followed by a half day online course covering the business aspects.
It will be a combination of both the technical aspects and the business elements required to start a cafe.
The course will cover
-Cafe types
-Valuing a business
-Due Diligence
-Identifying risks
-Disclosure documents
-Planning Permission
-Assessing foot count
-Basic Business Plan
-Company v Sole trader
-Tax and VAT related to catering
-Insurance-public liability and employer's liabliity
-food waste
-food safety
-price marking
-employment law and pay and conditions
-health and safety
-fire safety regs including space allowed for exits
-food safety guidelines
-food labelling
-food records (compulsory)
-registering for VAT
-registering for food inspections
-VAT inspections
-leases and problems
-margins and menus
-fluctuations in profit during the yearly cycle
-cafe layout
-shop fitting contracts
-Food Standards Agency
Either click the date above with the BOOK NOW or
Send email to info@baristabarbar.co.uk to make reservation.
Wednesday 11th Sept at 10.30am £250
Wednesday 18th Sept at 10.30am £250
Sunday 8th September at 10.30am £250
Wednesday 25th Sept at 10.30am £250
Wednesday 2nd Oct at 10.30am £250
Sunday 22nd September at 10.30am £250
Sunday 29th September at 10.30am £250